C# Tutorial: Basic

Learn how to get started with inference with the C# API.

OrtValue API

The new OrtValue based API is the recommended approach. The OrtValue API generates less garbage and is more performant. Some scenarios show 4x performance improvement over the previous API and significantly less garbage.

OrtValue is a universal container that can hold different ONNX types, such as tensors, maps, and sequences. It always existed in the onnxruntime library, but was not exposed in the C# API.

The OrtValue based API provides uniform access to data via ReadOnlySpan<T> and Span<T> structures, regardless of its location, managed or unmanaged.

Note, that the following classes NamedOnnxValue, DisposableNamedOnnxValue, FixedBufferOnnxValue will be deprecated in the future. They are not recommended for new code.

Data shape

DenseTensor class can be used for multi-dimensional access to the data since the new Span based API features only a 1-D index. However, some reported a slow performance when using DenseTensor class multi-dimensional access. One can then create an OrtValue on top of the tensors data.

ShapeUtils class provides some help to deal with multi-dimensional indices for OrtValues.

If output shapes are known, one can pre-allocate OrtValue on top of the managed or unmanaged allocations and supply those OrtValues to be used as outputs. Due to this fact, the need for IOBinding is greatly diminished.

Data types

OrtValues can be created directly on top of the managed unmanaged struct based blittable types arrays. The onnxruntime C# API allows use of managed buffers for input or output.

String data is represented as UTF-16 string objects in C#. It will still need to be copied and converted to UTF-8 to the native memory. However, that conversion is now more optimized and is done in a single pass without intermediate byte arrays.

The same applies to string OrtValue tensors returned as outputs. Character based API now operates on Span<char>,ReadOnlySpan<char>, and ReadOnlyMemory<char> objects. This adds flexibility to the API and allows to avoid unnecessary copies.

Data life-cycle

Except for some of the above deprecated API classes, nearly all of C# API classes are IDisposable. Meaning they need to be disposed after use, otherwise you will get memory leaks. Because OrtValues are used to hold tensor data, the sizes of the leaks can be huge. They are likely to accumulate with each Run call, as each inference call requires input OrtValues and returns output OrtValues. Do not hold your breath for finalizers which are not guaranteed to ever run, and if they do, they do it when it is too late.

This includes SessionOptions, RunOptions, InferenceSession, OrtValue. Run() calls return IDisposableCollection that allows to dispose all of the containing objects in one statement or using. This is because these objects own native resources, often a native object.

Not disposing OrtValue that was created on top of the managed buffer would result in that buffer pinned in memory indefinitely. Such a buffer can not be garbage collected or moved in memory.

OrtValues that were created on top of the native onnxruntime memory should also be disposed of promptly. Otherwise, the native memory will not be deallocated. OrtValues returned by Run() usually hold native memory.

GC can not operate on native memory or any other native resources.

The using statement or a block is a convenient way to ensure that the objects are disposed. InferenceSession can be a long lived object and a member of another class. It eventually must be disposed. This means, the containing class also would have to be made disposable to achieve this.

OrtValue API also provides visitor like API to walk ONNX maps and sequences. This is a more efficient way to access ONNX Runtime data.

Code example to run a model

To start scoring using the model, create a session using the InferenceSession class, passing in the file path to the model as a parameter.

using var session = new InferenceSession("model.onnx");

Once a session is created, you can run inference using the Run method of the InferenceSession object.

float[] sourceData;  // assume your data is loaded into a flat float array
long[] dimensions;    // and the dimensions of the input is stored here

// Create a OrtValue on top of the sourceData array
using var inputOrtValue = OrtValue.CreateTensorValueFromMemory(sourceData, dimensions);

var inputs = new Dictionary<string, OrtValue> {
    { "name1",  inputOrtValue }

using var runOptions = new RunOptions();

// Pass inputs and request the first output
// Note that the output is a disposable collection that holds OrtValues
using var output = session.Run(runOptions, inputs, session.OutputNames[0]);

var output_0 = output[0];

// Assuming the output contains a tensor of float data, you can access it as follows
// Returns Span<float> which points directly to native memory.
var outputData = output_0.GetTensorDataAsSpan<float>();

// If you are interested in more information about output, request its type and shape
// Assuming it is a tensor
// This is not disposable, will be GCed
// There you can request Shape, ElementDataType, etc
var tensorTypeAndShape = output_0.GetTensorTypeAndShape();

You can still use Tensor class for data manipulation if you have existing code that does it. Then create OrtValue on top of Tensor buffer.

// Create and manipulate the data using tensor interface
DenseTensor<float> t1 = new DenseTensor<float>(sourceData, dimensions);

// One minor inconvenience is that Tensor class operates on `int` dimensions and indices.
// OrtValue dimensions are `long`. This is required, because `OrtValue` talks directly to
// Ort API and the library uses long dimensions.

// Convert dims to long[]
var shape = Array.Convert<int,long>(dimensions, Convert.ToInt64);

using var inputOrtValue = OrtValue.CreateTensorValueFromMemory(OrtMemoryInfo.DefaultInstance,
    t1.Buffer, shape);

Here is a way to populate a string tensor. Strings can not be mapped, and must be copy/converted to native memory. To that end we pre-allocate a native tensor of empty strings with specified dimensions, and then set individual strings by index.

string[] strs = { "Hello", "Ort", "World" };
long[] shape = { 1, 1, 3 };
var elementsNum = ShapeUtils.GetSizeForShape(shape);

using var strTensor = OrtValue.CreateTensorWithEmptyStrings(OrtAllocator.DefaultInstance, shape);

for (long i = 0; i < elementsNum; ++i)
    strTensor.StringTensorSetElementAt(strs[i].AsSpan(), i);

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