Source code for

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.

import contextlib
import logging
import os
import pathlib
from enum import Enum
from typing import List, Optional, Union

import onnx

from import OptimizationStyle, convert_onnx_models_to_ort
from import onnxblock

[docs]class LossType(Enum): """Loss type to be added to the training model. To be used with the `loss` parameter of `generate_artifacts` function. """ MSELoss = 1 CrossEntropyLoss = 2 BCEWithLogitsLoss = 3 L1Loss = 4
[docs]class OptimType(Enum): """Optimizer type to be to be used while generating the optimizer model for training. To be used with the `optimizer` parameter of `generate_artifacts` function. """ AdamW = 1 SGD = 2
[docs]def generate_artifacts( model: onnx.ModelProto, requires_grad: Optional[List[str]] = None, frozen_params: Optional[List[str]] = None, loss: Optional[Union[LossType, onnxblock.Block]] = None, optimizer: Optional[OptimType] = None, artifact_directory: Optional[Union[str, bytes, os.PathLike]] = None, **extra_options, ) -> None: """Generates artifacts required for training with ORT training api. This function generates the following artifacts: 1. Training model (onnx.ModelProto): Contains the base model graph, loss sub graph and the gradient graph. 2. Eval model (onnx.ModelProto): Contains the base model graph and the loss sub graph 3. Checkpoint (directory): Contains the model parameters. 4. Optimizer model (onnx.ModelProto): Model containing the optimizer graph. All generated ModelProtos will use the same opsets defined by *model*. Args: model: The base model to be used for gradient graph generation. requires_grad: List of names of model parameters that require gradient computation frozen_params: List of names of model parameters that should be frozen. loss: The loss function enum to be used for training. If None, no loss node is added to the graph. optimizer: The optimizer enum to be used for training. If None, no optimizer model is generated. artifact_directory: The directory to save the generated artifacts. If None, the current working directory is used. prefix (str): The prefix to be used for the generated artifacts. If not specified, no prefix is used. ort_format (bool): Whether to save the generated artifacts in ORT format or not. Default is False. custom_op_library (str | os.PathLike): The path to the custom op library. If not specified, no custom op library is used. additional_output_names (List[str]): List of additional output names to be added to the training/eval model. Raises: RuntimeError: If the loss provided is neither one of the supported losses nor an instance of `onnxblock.Block` RuntimeError: If the optimizer provided is not one of the supported optimizers. """ loss_blocks = { LossType.MSELoss: onnxblock.loss.MSELoss, LossType.CrossEntropyLoss: onnxblock.loss.CrossEntropyLoss, LossType.BCEWithLogitsLoss: onnxblock.loss.BCEWithLogitsLoss, LossType.L1Loss: onnxblock.loss.L1Loss, } loss_block = None if loss is None: loss_block = onnxblock.blocks.PassThrough()"No loss function enum provided. Loss node will not be added to the graph.") elif isinstance(loss, LossType): loss_block = loss_blocks[loss]()"Loss function enum provided: %s", else: # If a custom implementation of the loss was provided, then it should be # accepted and the custom implementation must control the creation of the loss node # in the training model. # To do this, user must provide an instance of onnxblock.Block. if not isinstance(loss, onnxblock.Block): raise RuntimeError( f"Unknown loss provided {type(loss)}. Expected loss to be either one of" " or" ) loss_block = loss"Custom loss block provided: %s", loss.__class__.__name__) class _TrainingBlock(onnxblock.TrainingBlock): def __init__(self, _loss): super().__init__() self._loss = _loss def build(self, *inputs_to_loss): if "additional_output_names" in extra_options: # If additional output names is not a list, raise an error if not isinstance(extra_options["additional_output_names"], list): raise RuntimeError( f"Unknown type provided for additional output names {type(extra_options['additional_output_names'])}. " "Expected additional output names to be a list of strings." ) loss_output = self._loss(*inputs_to_loss) if isinstance(loss_output, tuple): return (*loss_output, *tuple(extra_options["additional_output_names"])) else: return (loss_output, *tuple(extra_options["additional_output_names"])) return self._loss(*inputs_to_loss) training_block = _TrainingBlock(loss_block) if requires_grad is not None and frozen_params is not None and set(requires_grad).intersection(set(frozen_params)): raise RuntimeError( "A parameter cannot be frozen and require gradient computation at the same " f"time {set(requires_grad).intersection(set(frozen_params))}" ) if requires_grad is not None: for arg in requires_grad: training_block.requires_grad(arg) if frozen_params is not None: for arg in frozen_params: training_block.requires_grad(arg, False) training_model = None eval_model = None model_params = None custom_op_library = extra_options.get("custom_op_library", None) if custom_op_library is not None:"Custom op library provided: %s", custom_op_library) custom_op_library = pathlib.Path(custom_op_library) with onnxblock.base(model), onnxblock.custom_op_library( custom_op_library ) if custom_op_library is not None else contextlib.nullcontext(): _ = training_block(*[ for output in model.graph.output]) training_model, eval_model = training_block.to_model_proto() model_params = training_block.parameters() def _export_to_ort_format(model_path, output_dir, extra_options): if extra_options.get("ort_format", False): custom_op_library = extra_options.get("custom_op_library", None) if custom_op_library is not None: custom_op_library = pathlib.Path(custom_op_library) convert_onnx_models_to_ort( model_path, output_dir=output_dir, custom_op_library_path=custom_op_library, optimization_styles=[OptimizationStyle.Fixed], ) if artifact_directory is None: artifact_directory = pathlib.Path.cwd() prefix = "" if "prefix" in extra_options: prefix = extra_options["prefix"]"Using prefix %s for generated artifacts.", prefix) artifact_directory = pathlib.Path(artifact_directory) training_model_path = artifact_directory / f"{prefix}training_model.onnx" if os.path.exists(training_model_path):"Training model path %s already exists. Overwriting.", training_model_path), training_model_path) _export_to_ort_format(training_model_path, artifact_directory, extra_options)"Saved training model to %s", training_model_path) eval_model_path = artifact_directory / f"{prefix}eval_model.onnx" if os.path.exists(eval_model_path):"Eval model path %s already exists. Overwriting.", eval_model_path), eval_model_path) _export_to_ort_format(eval_model_path, artifact_directory, extra_options)"Saved eval model to %s", eval_model_path) checkpoint_path = artifact_directory / f"{prefix}checkpoint" if os.path.exists(checkpoint_path):"Checkpoint path %s already exists. Overwriting.", checkpoint_path) onnxblock.save_checkpoint(training_block.parameters(), checkpoint_path)"Saved checkpoint to %s", checkpoint_path) # If optimizer is not specified, skip creating the optimizer model if optimizer is None:"No optimizer enum provided. Skipping optimizer model generation.") return if not isinstance(optimizer, OptimType): raise RuntimeError( f"Unknown optimizer provided {type(optimizer)}. Expected optimizer to be of type " "" )"Optimizer enum provided: %s", opset_version = None for domain in model.opset_import: if domain.domain == "" or domain.domain == "ai.onnx": opset_version = domain.version break optim_model = None optim_blocks = {OptimType.AdamW: onnxblock.optim.AdamW, OptimType.SGD: onnxblock.optim.SGD} optim_block = optim_blocks[optimizer]() with onnxblock.empty_base(opset_version=opset_version): _ = optim_block(model_params) optim_model = optim_block.to_model_proto() optimizer_model_path = artifact_directory / f"{prefix}optimizer_model.onnx", optimizer_model_path) _export_to_ort_format(optimizer_model_path, artifact_directory, extra_options)"Saved optimizer model to %s", optimizer_model_path)