Train, convert and predict with ONNX Runtime#

This example demonstrates an end to end scenario starting with the training of a machine learned model to its use in its converted from.

Train a logistic regression#

The first step consists in retrieving the iris datset.

from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

iris = load_iris()
X, y =,
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y)

Then we fit a model.

clr = LogisticRegression(), y_train)
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We compute the prediction on the test set and we show the confusion matrix.

from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix  # noqa: E402

pred = clr.predict(X_test)
print(confusion_matrix(y_test, pred))
[[19  0  0]
 [ 0 10  1]
 [ 0  0  8]]

Conversion to ONNX format#

We use module sklearn-onnx to convert the model into ONNX format.

from skl2onnx import convert_sklearn  # noqa: E402
from skl2onnx.common.data_types import FloatTensorType  # noqa: E402

initial_type = [("float_input", FloatTensorType([None, 4]))]
onx = convert_sklearn(clr, initial_types=initial_type)
with open("logreg_iris.onnx", "wb") as f:

We load the model with ONNX Runtime and look at its input and output.

import onnxruntime as rt  # noqa: E402

sess = rt.InferenceSession("logreg_iris.onnx", providers=rt.get_available_providers())

print(f"input name='{sess.get_inputs()[0].name}' and shape={sess.get_inputs()[0].shape}")
print(f"output name='{sess.get_outputs()[0].name}' and shape={sess.get_outputs()[0].shape}")
input name='float_input' and shape=[None, 4]
output name='output_label' and shape=[None]

We compute the predictions.

input_name = sess.get_inputs()[0].name
label_name = sess.get_outputs()[0].name

import numpy  # noqa: E402

pred_onx =[label_name], {input_name: X_test.astype(numpy.float32)})[0]
print(confusion_matrix(pred, pred_onx))
[[19  0  0]
 [ 0 10  0]
 [ 0  0  9]]

The prediction are perfectly identical.


Probabilities are needed to compute other relevant metrics such as the ROC Curve. Let’s see how to get them first with scikit-learn.

prob_sklearn = clr.predict_proba(X_test)
[[0.00448644 0.8987307  0.09678287]
 [0.0040423  0.88517075 0.11078696]
 [0.08153688 0.90836333 0.01009979]]

And then with ONNX Runtime. The probabilies appear to be

prob_name = sess.get_outputs()[1].name
prob_rt =[prob_name], {input_name: X_test.astype(numpy.float32)})[0]

import pprint  # noqa: E402

[{0: 0.004486436024308205, 1: 0.8987307548522949, 2: 0.09678284823894501},
 {0: 0.004042299464344978, 1: 0.8851708769798279, 2: 0.1107867956161499},
 {0: 0.08153686672449112, 1: 0.908363401889801, 2: 0.010099786333739758}]

Let’s benchmark.

from timeit import Timer  # noqa: E402

def speed(inst, number=5, repeat=10):
    timer = Timer(inst, globals=globals())
    raw = numpy.array(timer.repeat(repeat, number=number))
    ave = raw.sum() / len(raw) / number
    mi, ma = raw.min() / number, raw.max() / number
    print(f"Average {ave:1.3g} min={mi:1.3g} max={ma:1.3g}")
    return ave

print("Execution time for clr.predict")

print("Execution time for ONNX Runtime")
speed("[label_name], {input_name: X_test.astype(numpy.float32)})[0]")
Execution time for clr.predict
Average 8.39e-05 min=6.64e-05 max=0.000182
Execution time for ONNX Runtime
Average 1.81e-05 min=1.66e-05 max=2.58e-05


Let’s benchmark a scenario similar to what a webservice experiences: the model has to do one prediction at a time as opposed to a batch of prediction.

def loop(X_test, fct, n=None):
    nrow = X_test.shape[0]
    if n is None:
        n = nrow
    for i in range(n):
        im = i % nrow
        fct(X_test[im : im + 1])

print("Execution time for clr.predict")
speed("loop(X_test, clr.predict, 50)")

def sess_predict(x):
    return[label_name], {input_name: x.astype(numpy.float32)})[0]

print("Execution time for sess_predict")
speed("loop(X_test, sess_predict, 50)")
Execution time for clr.predict
Average 0.00283 min=0.00234 max=0.00355
Execution time for sess_predict
Average 0.000316 min=0.000311 max=0.000344


Let’s do the same for the probabilities.

print("Execution time for predict_proba")
speed("loop(X_test, clr.predict_proba, 50)")

def sess_predict_proba(x):
    return[prob_name], {input_name: x.astype(numpy.float32)})[0]

print("Execution time for sess_predict_proba")
speed("loop(X_test, sess_predict_proba, 50)")
Execution time for predict_proba
Average 0.00329 min=0.00325 max=0.00337
Execution time for sess_predict_proba
Average 0.000317 min=0.000312 max=0.000341


This second comparison is better as ONNX Runtime, in this experience, computes the label and the probabilities in every case.

Benchmark with RandomForest#

We first train and save a model in ONNX format.

from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier  # noqa: E402

rf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=10), y_train)

initial_type = [("float_input", FloatTensorType([1, 4]))]
onx = convert_sklearn(rf, initial_types=initial_type)
with open("rf_iris.onnx", "wb") as f:

We compare.

sess = rt.InferenceSession("rf_iris.onnx", providers=rt.get_available_providers())

def sess_predict_proba_rf(x):
    return[prob_name], {input_name: x.astype(numpy.float32)})[0]

print("Execution time for predict_proba")
speed("loop(X_test, rf.predict_proba, 50)")

print("Execution time for sess_predict_proba")
speed("loop(X_test, sess_predict_proba_rf, 50)")
Execution time for predict_proba
Average 0.0221 min=0.0219 max=0.0236
Execution time for sess_predict_proba
Average 0.000312 min=0.000307 max=0.000341


Let’s see with different number of trees.

measures = []

for n_trees in range(5, 51, 5):
    rf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=n_trees), y_train)
    initial_type = [("float_input", FloatTensorType([1, 4]))]
    onx = convert_sklearn(rf, initial_types=initial_type)
    with open(f"rf_iris_{n_trees}.onnx", "wb") as f:
    sess = rt.InferenceSession(f"rf_iris_{n_trees}.onnx", providers=rt.get_available_providers())

    def sess_predict_proba_loop(x):
        return[prob_name], {input_name: x.astype(numpy.float32)})[0]  # noqa: B023

    tsk = speed("loop(X_test, rf.predict_proba, 25)", number=5, repeat=4)
    trt = speed("loop(X_test, sess_predict_proba_loop, 25)", number=5, repeat=4)
    measures.append({"n_trees": n_trees, "sklearn": tsk, "rt": trt})

from pandas import DataFrame  # noqa: E402

df = DataFrame(measures)
ax = df.plot(x="n_trees", y="sklearn", label="scikit-learn", c="blue", logy=True)
df.plot(x="n_trees", y="rt", label="onnxruntime", ax=ax, c="green", logy=True)
ax.set_xlabel("Number of trees")
ax.set_ylabel("Prediction time (s)")
ax.set_title("Speed comparison between scikit-learn and ONNX Runtime\nFor a random forest on Iris dataset")
Speed comparison between scikit-learn and ONNX Runtime For a random forest on Iris dataset
Average 0.00809 min=0.00768 max=0.00925
Average 0.000159 min=0.00015 max=0.000179
Average 0.0114 min=0.0109 max=0.0123
Average 0.000159 min=0.000152 max=0.000179
Average 0.0145 min=0.0141 max=0.0154
Average 0.000161 min=0.000153 max=0.00018
Average 0.0176 min=0.0172 max=0.0187
Average 0.000163 min=0.000154 max=0.000187
Average 0.0208 min=0.0204 max=0.0218
Average 0.000165 min=0.000155 max=0.000188
Average 0.0239 min=0.0235 max=0.025
Average 0.000167 min=0.000158 max=0.000185
Average 0.0269 min=0.0265 max=0.0279
Average 0.000168 min=0.00016 max=0.000186
Average 0.03 min=0.0297 max=0.0309
Average 0.000172 min=0.000163 max=0.000194
Average 0.0331 min=0.0328 max=0.0341
Average 0.000172 min=0.000163 max=0.000192
Average 0.0363 min=0.0359 max=0.0373
Average 0.000175 min=0.000167 max=0.000198

<matplotlib.legend.Legend object at 0x79bb80d86170>

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 6.487 seconds)

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